The UK social care sector

Breaking Barriers:
Meaningful Employment for Refugees

With the aim to reduce high unemployment rates among refugees and reduce vacancy rates in the health and social care sector. Activities include a bespoke recruitment pathway to support refugee clients in London and Manchester into employment with social care providers, including CareTech Ltd.


This year,  556 refugee participants engaged with the programme; 164 of these participants engaged with English language and digital skills classes through education support, and 35% achieved an outcome by progressing into employment, education, volunteering or training.

With 29 employed within health and social care, exceeding the target of 20 for the programme. 89% of participants reported increased confidence and motivation to achieve their goals.

The partnership aims to build an understanding of Breaking Barriers best practice, which can be delivered with CareTech Ltd across the country, informing a CareTech Ltd refugee recruitment policy and delivering a sector-specific event. 4 insight sessions with CareTech Ltd and employment advisers were held to learn more about the business and to formally launch roles for a bespoke recruitment pathway in London and Greater Manchester, securing 2 job offers so far.

Leveraged funding to partner with the European Social Fund to address the issue of high unemployment rates among refugees. The focus is on the health and social care sector, which is one of the top sectors preferred by refugees for employment. The partnership aims to establish a better understanding of Breaking Barriers’ best practices, which can be implemented with CareTech Ltd across the country. This will inform a CareTech Ltd refugee recruitment policy and facilitate the delivery of sector-specific events.

Over the course of this year, four insight sessions were held with CareTech Ltd and employment advisers to gain insights into the business and formally launch roles for a bespoke recruitment pathway in London and Greater Manchester. So far, 29 job offers have been secured.

One participant enrolled with Breaking Barriers to become a nurse, and her adviser is supporting her journey. Now, she’s employed as a social worker with Inclusive Care Support, attending a pre-access to Higher Education course and completing a Level 2 Health & Social Care course. She plans to start a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Midwifery soon.