The AzuKo charity received a Community grant of £850 to facilitate the attendance of Project Manager Apu Roy at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) in December 2023.

AzuKo was honoured with the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2023 for its Build for Safety construction training initiative in Bangladesh. This project aims to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence of women in construction, empowering them to make their homes more resilient in an area prone to floods and storms.

The CareTech Foundation’s funding enabled Apu Roy to personally attend the COP 28 conference. He journeyed from rural northwest Bangladesh to Dubai, UAE. Throughout the week, Apu Roy showcased AzuKo’s initiatives and their impact, advocated for climate justice, participated in training and workshops covering topics such as climate advocacy and organisational development, and engaged in networking with individuals and organisations committed to climate consciousness.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the Foundation’s support. Your generosity has allowed me to participate in this big networking event, and knowledge exchange. The experience gained and connections made during COP 28 will have a lasting positive impact on our work.
Apu Roy, AzuKo Project Manager