Current Grant Holders

Partnership Grants

A member of the team will be in touch with you to share the Grant Agreement. Please consider this carefully as it will include information around the programme, delivery, reporting and disbursement of funds.

Yes, we require all partners to draft a press release announcing the partnership. Our Marketing and Communications Manager will support you with this and agree approaching of contacts to maximise publicity.

Partners must also provide a press release at the end of the partnership.

We require all of our partners to report to us on a quarterly basis. Once the Grant Agreement is signed by both parties, we will share a monitoring and evaluation form with you and arrange a call to discuss this. We appreciate every programme is unique so we want to ensure we are receiving the information we need and not taking up resources unnecessarily.

Every September, you will be asked to provide an update to us which will be included in our Annual Report and Impact Report.

Yes, we are very proud of all of our partnerships and want to experience the delivery of the programmes first-hand. A member of the team will contact you to discuss any visits. These can include Foundation staff, trustees and CareTech staff.

We also appreciate pictures, videos and updates shared directly with us so we can support your work through our social media channels.

Once you are ready, simply let a member of the team know and we can introduce you to the right people.

Please contact a member of the team and they will discuss this with you.